Mission & Vision

The Hyde Park Neighborhood Council is committed to maintaining Hyde Park as a desirable neighborhood, educating and informing citizens, and providing an opportunity for participation in community affairs.

Monthly Meetings


HPNC meets every second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM.


The meeting location may change from month to month so please check the Neighborhood Updates section for the latest information. We'd love to see you there!


We are always looking for passionate people from our community to get involved

Join NOW


We Want to Hear from You

To submit your ideas or feedback, or for other inquiries,

Contact Us

Hyde Park Perks

Hyde Park Neighborhood Council has partnered with local businesses in Hyde Park to bring HPNC members special perks. If you're a member of HPNC, your $20 yearly donation gets you access to Hyde Park Perks.

Learn More

HPNC Applications for Board of Trustees

If you would like to actively serve your community, consider applying to the HPNC Board of Trustees.

Applicants must either live, own property,  or own/operate a business in Hyde Park. A board term is 3 years.

To apply, complete the Candidate Fact Sheet and email it to the address on the form, or print it out and mail it to:
PO Box 8064
Cincinnati, OH 45208

Download the Candidate Sheet

Small Businesses in Hyde Park

Discover Hyde Park's unique small businesses. Eat, drink, play, and shop. Find more details here.

Find more details


Monthly Meeting - Tuesday, September 10th

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Please join us on Tuesday, September 10th, at 7:00 PM for the monthly meeting.

It will be held in the Little Theater, on the second floor of Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church, at 1345 Grace Ave.

Monthly meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM; since the location may vary, please check on the HPNC website, Facebook, or the previous meeting packet to confirm the location of future meetings; the meeting packet can be found below or on the Meetings & Minutes page.

Meeting Packet (PDF)

Hyde Park Square Developers Community Engagement Survey

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At the August monthly meeting a group of developers who have acquired several properties in Hyde Park Square, more than 2 acres, announced its plans to redevelop a substantial part of the south side of Hyde Park Square. It requested that we distribute the attached survey to collect feedback.

Please pass this along to anyone else that you think would like to share their thoughts.

Hyde Park Square Community Engagement Survey is available at the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DFS9Z7H or use the button below:

Survey Link

Monthly Meeting - Tuesday, August 13th

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Please join us on Tuesday, August 13th, at 7:00 PM for the monthly meeting.

It will be held in the Little Theater, on the second floor of Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church, at 1345 Grace Ave.

Monthly meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM; since the location may vary, please check on the HPNC website, Facebook, or the previous meeting packet to confirm the location of future meetings; the meeting packet can be found below or on the Meetings & Minutes page.

Meeting Packet (PDF)

Edwards Closure South of the Square

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Road closed to thru traffic between Observatory and Erie due to road construction between July 22 and September 9th. All businesses will remain open.

Starting Monday (July 22nd), Edwards Rd. from the square to Hyde Park School (between Erie and Observatory) will be closed to thru traffic due to road construction work until September 9th.

Monthly Meeting - Tuesday, July 9th

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Please join us on Tuesday, July 9th, at 7:00 PM for the monthly meeting.

It will be held in the Little Theater, on the second floor of Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church, at 1345 Grace Ave.

Monthly meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM; since the location may vary, please check on the HPNC website, Facebook, or the previous meeting packet to confirm the location of future meetings; the meeting packet can be found below or on the Meetings & Minutes page.

Meeting Packet (PDF)

Hyde Park Plan Meeting - Monday, July 1st

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What Connected Communities Means for Hyde Park & How Historic Designation Protects

The Hyde Park Long Range Plan Steering Committee wants to continue keeping you informed on issues that affect our community and our Plan—and to be guided by your questions and input.

City Council passed the Connected Communities legislation on June 5th – what does this mean for Hyde Park, and how can we preserve the unique character of our community?

Come to a second session of What's Up, Hyde Park? on Monday, July 1, 6:30-8:00 PM, in the meeting room of Oakley Recreation Center (in Hyde Park Plaza, near Bob Sumerel Tire) to get answers to those questions. This public meeting will focus on:

  • Specific ways Connected Communities will impact Hyde Park - presented by Gary Wollenweber, HPNC Zoning Committee Chair, at 6:30 PM
  • Historic districts in Hyde Park; how to seek historic designation for a property, street,or area; and the protection that historic designation offers - presented by Beth Johnson, Executive Director of the Cincinnati Preservation Association, at 7:00 PM  
  • Your questions and input - throughout the program

This session is presented by members of the Hyde Park Long Range Plan Steering Committee.
Come, learn, be heard!

Wasson Way Tree Plaques for Carl Uebelacker and Hapner Family

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Carl Uebelacker's plaque (larger) and tree (larger); Hapner family plaque (larger) and tree (larger)

Just east of Edwards along Wasson Way there are now trees and associated plaques for Carl Uebelacker and the Hapner family