Zoning & Maps

Zoning Updates

Read the latest Zoning updates in the most recent meeting packet. New updates are presented at our monthly meetings.

Cincinnati Zoning Code & Map

The Zoning Code is comprised of text and a map. The Zoning Code text, part of the Cincinnati Municipal Code, describes the Land Use and Development Regulations for each district shown on the map. Procedures for Variances, Conditional Uses, and Special Exceptions hearings are also described.

The current Zoning Code text can be viewed on the Municode website within Title XIV of the city's ordinances.

The Cincinnati Area Geographic Information System (CAGIS) website can be used to view a map of current zoning districts.

  1. Enter the address of interest in upper left box (e.g. 3660 Michigan)
    A map centered on selected address will be displayed
  2. Use the yellow circle drop-down menu icon to select "Map Layers"
    (10th icon left from upper right)
  3. Select "Cincinnati and Other Communities Zoning"  and  "Zoning Designation (Cincinnati Only)" by checking the two boxes

Zoning districts will be displayed by semi-transparent colored overlay.  3660 Michigan, shown in a pink overlay, is in a Community Commercial-Auto Oriented (CC-A) district.

Hyde Park Boundary Map & Street List

Please note that the boundaries adopted by the Hyde Park Neighborhood Council can and do differ from the City of Cincinnati's boundaries for Hyde Park's SNA (Statistical Neighborhood Approximation) and Community Council region. For more information about these boundaries, please contact Cincinnati City Planning.